Transforming Health and Happiness: Ajantha's Inspiring Journey with Health + Healing Chiropractic in Mississauga

Are you struggling with chronic constipation, shoulder pain, neck discomfort, or back issues? Meet Ajantha, a 67-year-old cook whose life took a positive turn after seeking care from Dr. Tyler Kong at Health + Healing Chiropractic in Mississauga. Ajantha's testimonial sheds light on the transformative power of chiropractic care in improving not just physical health but also overall well-being and happiness.

A New Beginning: Ajantha's Initial Struggles

Ajantha's journey began when she visited Health + Healing Chiropractic seeking relief from multiple health challenges. She faced significant constipation issues which required medication, severe shoulder pain, neck stiffness, and back discomfort, which greatly impacted her daily life and work as a cook.

Discovering Relief: The Impact of Chiropractic Care 

Under the expert care of Dr. Tyler Kong, Ajantha experienced remarkable improvements in her health and quality of life. Through chiropractic adjustments, tailored treatments, and targeted stretches and exercises, Ajantha's condition began to improve significantly.

Ajantha joyfully shares, "Before, I couldn't even go to the washroom once a day. Now, within two days, I go two or three times – I couldn't even imagine! I don’t have the stomach like before. I can eat properly now." This dramatic improvement in her constipation concerns brought immense relief and renewed vitality to Ajantha's life.

Holistic Wellness: Addressing Shoulder Pain and Enhancing Mobility

In addition to alleviating constipation, Dr. Tyler focused on addressing Ajantha's persistent shoulder pain and mobility issues. With personalized chiropractic adjustments, neck and shoulder stretching techniques, Ajantha experienced considerable relief and improved range of motion, enabling her to continue her demanding job as a cook with greater ease and comfort.

Ajantha emphasizes, "Dr. Tyler is amazing. He did so much for my shoulder. I'm very, very happy to say." Her positive experience highlights the holistic approach to wellness offered at Health + Healing Chiropractic.

The Power of Recommendation: Ajantha's Encouragement to Others

Ajantha's gratitude and satisfaction with her chiropractic care are evident as she encourages others to prioritize their health. She remarks, "I recommend to anybody, please go to Dr. Tyler. He will take care of it. It's the best way to take care of yourself."

Conclusion: Embracing Health and Happiness

Ajantha's journey with Health + Healing Chiropractic in Mississauga serves as an inspiration to prioritize holistic health and seek professional care for lasting well-being. Whether facing constipation, pain, or mobility challenges, chiropractic care can make a profound difference in one's life, promoting vitality, happiness, and overall wellness.

If you resonate with Ajantha's story and are seeking a chiropractor near you, don't hesitate to schedule an appointment with Dr. Tyler Kong at Health + Healing Chiropractic in Mississauga. Take the first step towards transforming your health and embracing a happier, healthier life. Call us today at (905) 916-4325 to schedule a new patient examination!




7:30 AM - 10:00 AM

3:00 PM - 6:00 PM




7:30 AM - 10:00 AM

3:00 PM - 6:00 PM


7:30 AM - 10:00 AM

3:00 PM - 6:00 PM







7:30 AM - 10:00 AM 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
7:30 AM - 10:00 AM 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
7:30 AM - 10:00 AM 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM